




Communicate, communicate, communicate…

Communicate, communicate, communicate…

We offer you a slightly pamphleteering dialogue on the importance of communicating with your customers.

We meet Paul, your potential seller, who immediately strikes up a conversation with you, the buyer of his block of business.

Paul: “You know I post regularly on LinkedIn and have a professional Facebook Page?”

You: “I don’t believe in any of that. It’s for teenagers and I don’t have time to waste on it.”

Martin Luc: “Robert, what if customers enjoyed following Paul on his social networks and found his posts interesting? Have you ever thought about that?”

You: “We’ll see!

Paul: “Every customer receives a card on their birthday. In addition, I call every Platinum customer to inform myself of any special plans they may have for their birthday.”

You: ” Frankly, they’re not children anymore. It must cost you a fortune in stamps?”

Paul: “No, because with us we automate”.

Paul: “I don’t dare tell you that I also send out at least six content marketing newsletters a year.”

You: “That makes them ‘dirty pitches’!

Paul: “This is content marketing. These mailings are designed to inform my customers about topics that may affect their finances.”

In 2022, the journal Finance et Investissement published the results of a study by Ycharts.

Among the dozen or so elements that customers consider most important when choosing an advisor, customer service and communication rank second, ahead of portfolio performance, according to the Ycharts study.

The factor that surpasses these two elements in the hearts of customers is a thorough understanding of their situation and objectives. This is closely linked to the quality of the communication we develop with them.

Are you still stuck in the old paradigm that says yield is everything?

If you focus on communication, you’ll be more successful. Delegate some of these activities internally or externally.



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