

Are You Interested in Purchasing a Business

By Jerry Butler

In the financial advice industry there are 100’s of buyers for every seller. Any seller that shops his wares has no shortage of takers especially if it is marketed properly.

But …. Do you have a unique proposition? Is there something that separates your business model from the crowd?

Queenston does not only represent sellers. We have contracted with buyers to put sellers in front of them.  If the buyer has a unique proposition they can be successful in finding businesses.  Some sellers do not want to hire a third party to market their businesses for many reasons. This creates opportunities for the right buyer. In addition, Queenston is usually able to negotiate a better price and more favourable terms for the buyer.

Queenston uses our proprietary process. We work with the buyer to determine the profile of the perfect fit. We package the buyer and present their unique proposition anonymously to our database. We talk to all interested parties to determine if they are qualified and interested.  Then we negotiate the best deal for our client. Our objective with all of our transitions is that they are win-win-win. The buyer, the seller and the clients all win.

Are you an established advisor? Do you have a unique business proposition?  Are you interested in buying, merging or establishing a working relationship with a junior advisor as part of a Growth Strategy or Succession Plan and Exit Strategy?

If you are interested in discussing these opportunities – contact us at info@queenston.net

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