
Q. Sellers Process

Phase 1

Preparation and


●To assess the company’s readiness and ensure that it is in a position to successfully complete the transaction.

Main steps:

● Conduct a valuation of the business to determine market value.

● Analyse the financials, customer base and key indicators to identify the company’s strengths and weaknesses.

● Tackle areas for optimisation to ensure the business is market-ready.

● Define the vendor’s objectives, including timing, deal structure and post-sale involvement.

Phase 2

Information Gathering
and Packaging


● To gather and organise essential documentation to present the company in an attractive way to potential buyers.

Key steps:

● Prepare financial statements, tax returns, customer lists and operational details.

● Develop compelling marketing materials, such as a confidential information memorandum (CIM).

● Answering questions from potential buyers by preparing FAQs and supporting documents.

● Put in place confidentiality measures, including robust confidentiality agreements.

Phase 3



● Identify and engage potential buyers who align with the seller’s business objectives and values.

Key Steps:

● Maximise Queenston’s network to target potential buyers, such as strategic acquirers or financial investors.

● Mentor the outreach process, ensuring that only qualified buyers receive marketing materials.

● Work with Queenston to distribute materials under confidentiality agreements and screen serious candidates.

Phase 4

Buyer Selection
and Negotiation


● To choose the right buyer and negotiate favourable terms for both parties.

Key steps:

● Review and compare offers from buyers, focusing on valuation, deal structure and alignment with objectives.
● Due diligence of the buyer to ensure credibility and ability to close the deal.

● Negotiating suitable terms, including price, payment structure and post-sale retention.

● Finalizing the letter of intent or specifications to ensure clarity and alignment with expectations.

Phase 5

Closing and

● Conclude the transaction and ensure a smooth transfer to the buyer.

Key steps:

● Work with Queenston during the buyer’s formal due diligence process.

● Work with legal and financial advisors to complete contracts and closing documents.

● Implementing the transition plan for customers, employees and operations to the buyer.

● Delivering on contractual commitments to ensure effective support during the agreed post-sale transition period, where appropriate..

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