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Je suis conseillère agréée en relations industrielles et membre de l’Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines et en relations industrielles agréés du Québec avec plus de 10 ans d’expérience dans le domaine. Nos services peuvent être rentables pour vous et donner à votre organisation un département de ressources humaines efficaces.


Pina Di Girolamo, President


(514) 952-5430



CWB Maxium Financial est un chef de file dans le soutien à la croissance et à la planification de la relève dans le secteur canadien du patrimoine. Nous accordons des prêts spécialisés et, grâce au financement d’acquisitions, nous avons aidé de nombreux conseillers à atteindre leurs objectifs stratégiques. Nous sommes une filiale de la Banque Canadienne Western, spécialisée dans les prêts de trésorerie, et nous prêtons activement dans le secteur de la gestion de patrimoine depuis 6 ans. Parmi les autres activités que nous soutenons, citons : les rachats de conseillers, les prises de participation et d’autres activités liées à la planification de la relève. Nos spécialistes comprennent la nature unique du secteur et reconnaissent la valeur inhérente à une entreprise de gestion de patrimoine et sa capacité à générer des flux de trésorerie prévisibles et récurrents.  Pour plus d’informations, veuillez télécharger le dépliant ou visiter le site www.cwbmaxium.com.

Pierre Sauvé

Director, Originations, CWB Maxium Financial

t. 905.780.6150 ext. 399tf.800.379.5888 ext. 399 | c. 519.588.6783

30 Vogell Road, Suite 1, Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 3K6


socialite media marketing

Votre guichet unique pour tous les besoins de votre entreprise, de la conception graphique et du site Web à l’optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche, en passant par le marketing des médias sociaux, la publicité pour l’impression et le Web, les services d’impression, la conception, la création et le marketing de vidéos, la suppression des logiciels malveillants sur les sites Web, les animations et la création de personnages.  Pourquoi traiter avec tant d’entreprises différentes quand vous pouvez traiter avec une seule, Socialite Media Marketing.


Myra Fletcher, CEO & President


(204) 471-3553


Solution Debit Credit Inc.

Nous sommes votre partenaire. Notre objectif est de supprimer tout le temps que vous consacrez à des tâches fastidieuses telles que la comptabilité, les déclarations fiscales et les salaires en les effectuant pour vous. Ainsi, vous pouvez investir tout votre temps et votre énergie dans la croissance de votre entreprise !


Jeffrey Bedard, President




yulex logo

YULEX offre aux entrepreneurs et à leurs entreprises, tant au stade de démarrage, de croissance que de maturité, des services juridiques stratégiques, pragmatiques et accessibles en droit des affaires, de la propriété intellectuelle et des technologies, aussi bien localement qu’internationalement.


Me. Francois Boulianne

T: 438-386-9002 #225

C: fboulianne@yulex.ca

417 Saint-Pierre, suite 401

Montréal (Qc) H2Y 2M4



Articles par Queenston
Articles De Sources Externes

6 Keys to Finding The Right Firm - LPL Finaancial

Building value for your clients and your practice means identifying the structure, environment, and firm that will help you perform at your best...

7 Acquisition Tactics You Can Implement Today

7 Acquisition Tactics You Can Implement Today- FP Transitions

I rarely meet a financial advisor who doesn’t immediately mention that they want to buy a practice. It seems to be every advisor’s goal. Of course it is...

10 Reasons to Professionally Value Your Business

10 Reasons to Professionally Value Your Business- FP Transitions

Experienced business owners recognize the importance of tracking and monitoring the value of their practice over time...

Business Factors Supporting Growth & Resilience

Business Factors Supporting Growth & Resilience - FP Transitions

In the late nineties, not everyone believed that financial practices had transferable value. Financial planning as a profession separate from traditional...

The concepts of partnership and collaboration Ros Carnwell and Alex Carson

Within health and social care literature, there are many references to the need for health and social care agencies to ‘work together’ more effectively in ‘partnership’ and in ‘collaboration’...


Critical Decisions That Advance the Evolution of an Advisory Firm - The Ensemble Practice

Crossroads are points in life that force us to make critical decisions, choosing among different paths. What should I do next? Should I go to college? What career should I pursue? Should I marry this person?...


Deal Structuring - FP Transitions

There are two critical and common mistakes that independent financial advisors make in the merger and acquisitions (M&A) space. One is to treat every sale or acquisition target the same way: applying one valuation approach, one documentation approach....

Estimating Value Based on

Estimating Value Based on Recurring Revenue- FP Transitions

Recurring revenue is one of the most important single determinants of value. Revenue produced through management fees, trails, or renewals is ongoing and reasonably predictable....

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Robo-advisors and the Future of Advice - Nest Wealth Plus

The term “robo-advisor” was coined by the traditional wealth management industry as a way to confuse investors. Mission accomplished. In reality there are no robots involved at all....

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The Lifestyle Succession Plan - FP Transitions

A succession plan is best defined as a professional, written plan designed to build on top of an existing practice or business and to seamlessly and gradually transition ownership, leadership, and growth responsibilities to the next generation of advisors.....

Maximizing Business Growth Through Benchmarking

Maximizing Business Growth Through Benchmarking - FP Transitions

The average advisor faces a difficult and increasingly competitive industry. With industry consolidation, technological advances, increased competition, more regulatory oversight, and the need to recruit ......

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In our most recent State of Retail Wealth Management report, PriceMetrix data revealed year-over-year (YOY) declines in same store1 advisor production levels. This is challenging news for wealth management executives......

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The Fountain of Growth - PriceMetrix

The retail wealth management industry is undergoing a fundamental demographic transformation, as the average age rises for both financial advisors and their clients. This seismic shift is already impacting the industry, with advisors and wealth .....

stay or stray

Stay or Stray - PriceMetrix

This Insights report is made possible by PriceMetrix aggregated data representing 7 million retail investors, 500 million transactions, and over $3.5 trillion in investment assets. PriceMetrix combines its patented process for collecting and classifying data with proprietary measures of......

transitioning to fee

Transitioning to Fee - PriceMetrix

One of the most important trends in the retail brokerage industry over the past decade has been a shift away from traditional, commission-based business toward arrangements where clients pay an advisory fee based on the value of the holdings in the account......

teams in retail wealth

A Winning Formula - PriceMetrix

For financial advisors, working as part of a team is more popular than ever, with 55% of advisors working within some sort of team-based arrangement. And that number is growing – there are 25% more team-based advisors today than there were in 2012.......

Relationship Marketing Strategy - Printing Industry Center at RIT

The purpose of this research is to understand the impact of relationship marketing strategy on the demand for customized communication through printing. Though many marketing executives report .....

Tactical Branding Guide - Tacti Brand

A primer, by definition, contains elementary principles on how to accomplish something. This tactical branding guide is no exception. In the following pages you will learn the basic principles of branding: what a brand is, what it isn’t, how to create one and how to leverage your brand to increase......

technology and value

Technology and Value - FP Transitions

Advisors constantly seek an answer to the questions “How can I grow faster?” and “How can I increase the value of my practice?” Generally, their focus is on acquisition. However, growth and value are not singular concepts.......


The Theory of Partnerships- Dr Ronald W. McQuaid

This chapter explores some of the theoretical and policy issues concerning the reasons for developing and operating partnerships. In particular partnerships to promote urban and rural regeneration or economic development are analysed.......


Transforming Your Practice Into a Business - FP Transitions

FP Transitions1 is the nation’s leading provider of enterprise development, valuation, and succession planning services for the financial services industry. Based in Portland, Oregon, FP Transitions operates the largest open market for buying and selling financial service practices in the U.S.....

understanding the J curve

Understanding The J-Curve- SharesPost Investment Management

Investing in private companies can offer a number of benefits to investors including access to an asset class that has a low degree of correlation to the broader markets, diversification and the potential for sizable returns. As companies stay private longer, a greater portion of their appreciation is frequently occurring during the private stage of their life cycle.....


Understanding the Value of Your Practice - FP Transitions

Practice valuation is the starting point for owners who want to effectively manage their equity and build a business of enduring and transferable value. Owners, and prospective owners, need to accurately determine the value of a financial services practice, understand what drives that value, and learn how it can be increased and improved........

Behavioral finance

Six Behavioral Finance Insights - Cadet Grant

While researchers are continually adding to our knowledge in this field, six established tenets of behavioral finance will add greatly to an understanding of investors. The six are: Loss aversion, anchoring, familiarity bias, mental accounting, the gambler’s fallacy, and herd behavior. ........




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